Nafasi Ya Matangazo

August 04, 2024

Today, Tanzania celebrates a momentous milestone,  
From Dar es Salaam to Dodoma, rails of progress are shown.
The Standard Gauge Railway, now electrified and new,
Marks a historic leap, connecting us through and through.

Leaders from all walks, gathered today,
Witnessing history, as tracks convey.
Opposition and ruling, side by side,
In this achievement, a national pride.

President Samia, with vision so clear,
Graces the launch, her presence dear.
Legacy carried with unshakable might,
Heralding a dawn, breaking the night.

Electrified pathways, a leap so great,
Connecting our regions, hand in hand.
Efficiency and speed, our journey redefined, 
Economic tides, forever aligned.

Cargo moves swiftly, a trader’s delight,
Economies flourish, day into night.
Ten thousand tonnes, a train can bear,
Revolutionizing transport, beyond compare.

TRC’s Kadogosa, with pride declares, 
Smooth operations, no unawares. 
Safety and standards, we uphold, 
In every journey, stories unfold.

Across borders, our vision extends, 
Burundi and DRC, as trade ascends. 
Intra-Africa bonds, we forge and mend, 
A continental future, around the bend.

Makalla’s words, a patriotic call, 
To guard our treasure, and stand tall. 
Loans we’ve taken, for progress shown, 
In every rail, our future grown.

From Dar es Salaam to Dodoma’s gate, 
A new voyage begins, our collective fate. 
A modern marvel, a nation’s pride, 
On rails of progress, we boldly ride.

With progress and vision so bright and clear,
In 2025, my vote for Samia is near.
Her leadership shines, guiding us right,
For another term, she’s our shining light.

Thank you.

Written by Christopher Makwaia
Tel: +255 789 242 396
Posted by MROKI On Sunday, August 04, 2024 No comments


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