Barclays Consumer Banking
Director, Mr. Zahid Mustafa, said today during a press conference:
“Barclays Premier Banking is an elite banking proposition for affluent
individuals, which offers a highly personalised approach to banking.
This proposition provides an
exclusive banking experience that is built around Premier exclusive
suites for customers’ privacy, confidentiality and comfort. Premier
customers will have access to private meetings rooms for their business
and private use locally and internationally.
He continued: “the premier
banking product offers a wide variety of services which includes Free
banking whereby Premier customers will not pay account maintenance/
ledger fee, withdraw fees, our customers will also get differentiated
platinum cards and each customer will be allocated a Relationship
manager to manage their financial requirements”.
Premier customers will
have access to our exclusive premier centres locally and internationally
for their Access to premier loans up to TZS 70 million with flexible
and extended period of up to 72 months.
Eligibility for premier banking
is based on relationship balance in any currency and in any product i.e.
Current account, Savings account and time deposit. Customers who meet
the deposit balance eligibility requirement will enjoy Premier
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