Nafasi Ya Matangazo

October 16, 2012

ICT will play in facilitating the successful delivery of the UN’s Millennium Goals of creating long term sustainability and tackling the challenge of global climate change.

This was said here in Dubai by INternational Telecommunication Union Secretary General Dr. Hamadoun Toure during the opening ceremony of ITU Telecom World 2012.

“The future that lies before us is promising, characterised by change as the only constant,” said Dr Touré. “I have not met anyone who questions the dynamic of the time. Mobile broadband, M2M, fibre optics and social networks define today’s networks. With six billion mobile subscribers and 2.3 million internet users, the stage is set for a technology-driven life.” Said Dr. Toure.
Dr Touré reiterated the ITU’s aim to roll out broadband to every corner of the world, using the transformative DNA of ICT solutions for a better, brighter, more prosperous world.
“I foresee the least wired regions becoming connected thanks to the miracle of wireless,” he said. “I call upon you to be courageous in setting out this brave new broadband world. Operators need to invest in infrastructure, governments and leaders must dream big. I would like to say that the leadership of Dubai has dared to dream big.” Said Dr. Toure
Communications Industry Leaders, young innovators and Telecommunications around the world are meeting in Dubai for four days to discuss the development, challenges and opportunities in the ICT sector.

The main issues discussed so far with a lot of interest is the role of ICT in helping UN meet its Millennium Goals of long term sustainability and tackling climate change. Regulatory and government initiatives is key to support the achievement of next generation technologies.

Key issue which will create a lot of interest and heated debate is expected to be International data roaming, which is still an issue and needs harmonising for more benefit to consumers.

Tanzania is participating in ITU Telecom World in both forums and exhibition where the Ministry of Health is showcasing (M-Health Tanzania) the use of ICT in Tanzania Health Services. Dar TEKNOHAMA INCUBATORS who are showcasing the use of different technologies created by Tanzania young innovators and One Gateway Company who are the innovators of online electronic voucher.

Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority is sharing experience on its analogue to digital broadcasting migration process which has been seen as the most well planned migration. The convergence licensing regulatory framework also is shared by the rest of the world as a catalyst for Telecom development. A number of countries have visited Tanzania to benchmark on the success of the Tanzania Regulator.
Posted by MROKI On Tuesday, October 16, 2012 No comments


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