Nafasi Ya Matangazo

March 30, 2011



I believe there's no Financial Crisis in Tanzania but we have plenty of opportunities.. Wadau someni na niambie msimamo wenu..

We Tanzanians need to solve the obvious. We have resources that we are not exporting - Coffee, Beer, Wine, tea, bananas and also Culture. We don't need a genius to solve problems in Tanzania. We need people to start with themselves and make changes they want to see in the country.The idea of a white man or an angel that will come to Tanzania to give us riches is stupid and ignorant.USA wapo watu kibao ambao ni broke.. first there's no country with so much dept like USA. So if its financial crisis .. its in USA and not Tanzania.

Tanzania does not have financial crisis but it lacks motivation and also resource exploration due to corruption and uneducated population. I spent over 10 month in Tanzania and saw the lack of sense of urgency in everything.. Except drinking beers and nyama choma.As Tanzanians , we need to expand our market and create demand for our goods globally. That is what china did and you can see the proof in your life. Imagine if Tanzanian Beers , tea. wine, shoes, fruits and other goods were sold to Germany, USA, African Countries and Europe. Only this will create employment in Tanzania and raise the income of many Tanzania.

Most Tanzanians leaders don't realize is how foreign companies are killing our goods and markets. When Sabmiller from South Africa buys TBL and Konyagi , it means hunger and poverty to Tanzanians. TBL can't sale to Europe any more and SAB Miller is also making sure SAFARI BEER STAYS IN TANZANIA and never to reach larger markets. This system creates a non growth within our economy. How many cigarrates or Beers can Tanzanians buy in Tanzania?? Not much.. If they do then they will become unproductive citizens.

Foreign companies buying Tanzanian Industries are doing so to kill our goods and making sure our produce (Goods) will never reach their market.Now , since there's a number and market limit , Tanzanians can't get more jobs or increase exports due to lack of foreign market. What we need to do as Tanzanians is to make sure we take control of our Foreign market and at the same time be the ones in our local market educating farmers and industries on how to produce high quality goods for export.Only a Tanzanian can sale Tanzania in foreign Market and at the same time benefit producers at home.

You see Chinese and other foreigners selling their home goods in Tanzania.. RIGHT??? Then the same should happened to Tanzanians who have the opportunity to be abroad..KAMA WEWE UNAPIGA SIASA.. then TALK IS CHEAP. Put your money up and let's work to help the people. There's a lot of Tanzanians abroad working and getting used up without even remembering where they come from. If you in USA, Germany or Italy and you have people .. I mean your people suffering then it doesn't make any sense for you to say or write. You want to make a change? Then start doing and stop acting.

South Africans are buying up cashews from Tanzania and processing it in capetown. What happened after that ?? It's in the stores in here in Los Angeles as Cashews from South Africa.Do you know how much is Zebra skin?? $1700

WHAT BOUT POUND OF COFFEE $ 3 Ok, I believe it's not the leaders.. We need to make the changes and start leading our people to the right channels. Remember, WAKOLONI and many now are able to cheat us in Tanzania because many people don't know how the system works in foreign countries.

President Kikwete and Govt need to use Tanzanians abroad as resources and tools so that we can help local markets.

Who can represent Tanzanians farmers in USA better than Mashaka?? Or any other Tanzanians abroad.Tanzania Gov't must think and act like USA and China. They use their citizens and businesses to open up market for the entire country.Imagine if Tanzania Govt helped and provided resources to locally owned businesses to sale in foreign markets.. SERENGETI , KILIMANJARO BEERS WOULD BE AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE.

I exported Konyagi to USA.. Baadae. Hata kiwanda wamekuja kuwauzia makaburu.. I can't say it is Tanzanian Drink now..Already mistakes has happened and most of the industries in Tanzania no longer belong to Tanzanians

We have to get the local produce and also work with our farmers , miners and also our brothers and sisters in Tanzania so that we can open market for them abroad.Then Tanzania will start getting dollar income and things will start changing before our very eyes.We can't be the only consumers and producers at the same time and expect to grow.

Where is the purchasing power going to come from ??Tanzanians are flooded with trash from the foreign industries and this is an example of what we need to do with our own economy and market. We have to flood foreign markets with Tanzanian goods.It's very simple and it does not take PHD or the Europeans to tell us what to do. Let's work on the obvious and we can make progress. Can you imagine??? TANZANIA IS ALLOWING TOOTH PICKS FROM CHINA TO BE SOLD AND IMPORTED IN TANZANIA???WHAT ABOUT ORANGE and APPLE JUICE?


It's funny.. Majority of Tanzanians abroad don't even have proper immigration paperwork.. But this is another issue.

But it does relate to the economy and also affect Tanzania human capital productivity. When a Doctor , Prof, msomi or Eng can't return home due to papers.. it affects his or her decisions in Economic development at home. He or she can not invest in Tanzania since hawezi kurudi na ndugu amewatupa. In return he makes money in USA and nothing goes back to TZ to improve lives.Most people don't know this.. lakini michuzi don't delete this ..

If you work in USA illegally until you reach your retirement age.. You won't be able to collect any social security or retirement income. Not only that..You will be shocked to be charged with Employment Fraud. If you are terminated from your Job, you wont be able to collect Unemployment or insurance during work injury. Wabeba maboski.. I love you... but you have to be aware anytime bomu can bust.. JE UTAKUWA TAYARI??? Mashaka and all the people are great.. we need to push forward and get it in where we can..Nilikua hapo Tanzania since January til sept 2010.. Nimeona mengi. Kwanza hakuna Financial Crisis..

Mashaka You are extremely brilliant and smart but brother.. Tanzanian economy can not be judged by bank reports or financial institutions alone. There's many people in rural areas with Dairy Farms, Fisher men's, miners and farmers whose income is not reported. FINANCIAL CRISIS?? NO. Tanzania economy is not based on credit lines or wall street compared to USA. Majority of Tanzanians are using cash for their purchases. If you compare Tanzanian teacher and American Teacher.. I can say American Teacher is broke and also in debt.

Currently, USA is in debt..

Average.. every american (Debt per citizen is $178,444) and Spending Ratio to GDP is 45.6451487%)

An average savings per American family is $7,964..You have to look at the economics now.. Let's go



54 MILLION RETIRED.BANKRUPT - 1 .6 MILLION JUST THIS YEAR.Now there's no land in America that's free or mines you can explore.. Now can you compare that to Tanzania? We are the ones with everything going right.. THAT'S WHY YOU SEE CHINA MAN IN TANZANIA.OR USA now trying to open trade with Tanzania..

Even turkey and Brazil are coming.. What are they after?? Now we Tanzanians must be alert and also fast to grab our own opportunities before Foreigners. Do you know most apple fruits sold in Tanzania come from South Africa?? Yes and they are delivered fresh by plane.. What about our bananas?? Can't we fly them to Saudi??

Mdau Los Angeles
Julius Temu
Julius Imports and Exports Limited
Mobile: 323-594-6205

Posted by MROKI On Wednesday, March 30, 2011 No comments


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