Nafasi Ya Matangazo

June 11, 2012

In 2010 mobile phone operators in the country earned about $1 billion but paid only $1.7million in taxes (0.1%).

Taxes paid by mobile phone companies in 2010 in Kenya were $78.3 million, Uganda (a smaller economy than ours) were $31.3million while Rwanda received $14million (more than 7 times what we received during the same period).

At the moment the telecom sector's contribution to GDP = 2.5% (Uganda = 5.2%, Kenya = 9%)

In 2011, the telecom sector grew by 22% (fastest growing sector).

Basing on the industry's rate of growth and cumulative investment, the sector's contribution to the GDP for that period should have been at least 5.3% compared to the current 2.5%.

We need to urgently recheck the sector's tax contribution to our economy.
Posted by MROKI On Monday, June 11, 2012 No comments


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