March 19, 2013


Barclays Bank’s Head of Cooperate Affairs, Tunu Kavishe (centre) Speaking at the press conference in Dar es Salaam today, during the launch of Barclays Internet Banking, Tabloid Banking and Mobile Banking. She is Flanked by the Head of Products of Barclays Samuel Mkuyu (left) and Liability and Product Development Manager, Valence Luteganya.
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Barclays Tanzania today launched Barclays Internet banking, tabloid banking and mobile banking.

Speaking at the press conference today, Mr Samuel Mkuyu, Head of Products at Barclays Bank Tanzania said Barclays Internet Banking is a unique online platform that enables our customers to carry out their everyday banking transactions and pay for their utility bills over the Internet anytime, anywhere conveniently and securely.

Barclays Internet Banking can be accessed via  Another services launched today is Barclays Tabloid Banking (BTB) which is Internet Banking provided via Applications supported by Android (Samsung Galaxy tabs) and i-OS (iPads).

BTB bears the same functionality as Barclays Internet for Retail (BIR) except, that it does not allow self registration and only supports payments to billers and, or beneficiaries already added as payees in the users profile.

The third services launched today is the Barclays Mobile Banking (BMB) this is Internet Banking that is provided via Applications supported by Android (Samsung Galaxy phones) and i-OS (iPhones). BTB bears the same functionality as BIR except, that it does not allow self registration and only supports payments to billers and, or beneficiaries already added as payees in the users profile…he added….

Commenting on these new services offered by Barclays Tanzania, Barclays Tanzania Corporate Affairs Head Mrs Tunu Kavishe said with the features/Benefits outlined above, Barclays Internet Banking takes the lead in the market in provision of the most innovative digital banking solutions in Tanzania.

This is not to mention that it is free. It goes without saying that Internet banking forms our Unique Selling Proposition as Retail. To support Internet banking, Barclays Operation Client (BOC) has been deployed for use at the branches and with customer service. With this in place, Branches can capably attend to all customer queries and complaints and resolve them.

Barclays Bank Tanzania Managing Director, Kihara Maina said: “As part of the Barclays Africa Group, we will continue to play an important role in the country to ensure that the benefits of Africa’s growth story are realised by the people of Tanzania.”

1 comment:

  1. Moving with Current Technology
