March 26, 2012

Serengeti Breweries Limited investing in Sustainable Agriculture

Serengeti Breweries Limited (SBL) a subsidiary of EABL and Diageo plc is extremely focused on developing sustainable agriculture within the economy as an engine for growth, and in supporting the clarion call given by the Government on its agenda of Kilimo Kwanza.

"According to the statement issue by the Corporate Relations Director for SBL Mrs. Teddy Mapunda, SBL is currently developing farmland in Kilosa District in Morogoro, which is owned by an affiliated company and measures about 13400 acres of fertile land, in order to cultivate crops for its production needs."
 SBL official who visited the Project, discussing different matters concerning the development of the project.
 We are aiming at developing this farm which we shall support our growing needs of local raw materials from those areas for long term, as well as acting as a catalyst for neighboring farms from which we will seek also to source additional crops.

SBL through Diageo is one of the sponsors of SAGCOT (Southern Agricultural Corridor Of Tanzania) also committed on investing on a sustainable agriculture on this corridor she added.

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